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Writer's pictureLori B

Slaying Giants

It’s a new year! The beginning of a new year is often a time of self reflection…where we have been and where we want to be. Resolutions are made…less of this, more of that, lose weight, be more focused. We could make a never ending list of things to add, but what about your spiritual life? Have you ever considered adding your relationship with our Savior? To be resolute in growing it, deepening it, sharing it, trusting in it.

Our theme for this year couldn’t be simplified into one word. Each one of us prayed for a word and instead we were all given something different. As we looked over them, they melded together into the perfect lesson from the Lord on learning to trust Him, resting in the freedom from handing it over to Him, and finding joy and contentment in whatever might come. Our overall theme is:  “Slaying Our Giants: laying down something small to make a BIG impact”. Yes, I know. It is a long title this year, but the lesson is so deep and rich that it just couldn’t be shortened.

When I think about slaying giants, my thoughts turn to David and Goliath first. Then all the other stories I heard as a child come to mind… Daniel in the lion’s den, Noah and the flood, and many others. The one thing they all have in common is an unwavering full trust in the Lord. When we can get to that point in our spiritual walk with the Lord, we can slay any giant we face!

You might be wondering, how do I get to that point where I have unwavering full trust in the Lord? Start with prayer and then start handing the little things over to him. Take them to the alter and don’t pick them back up. You would be surprised how big of an impact giving over something small can have on your life. You will be slaying a giant in your life you didn’t even know you had!

If you read my last post, you know I have been battling my own giants. I have been calling on Jesus and laying it all down at His feet for a while now. I am seeing a glimpse of prayers being answered and not just any prayers, prayers that I never thought would come to fruition. I have learned that giving things over completely to God and taking my hands off them allows Him to use them for good and for His purpose. By trusting completely in Him, He is restoring relationships, drawing people closer to Him, building bridges, softening  hearts, and so much more. I still have unanswered prayers, but He is showing me what truly trusting in Him means.

I pray that as you think on the new year, you consider being resolute in your relationship with our Lord and Savior.  Trust in Him completely, lay it all on the alter, leave it there, and watch Him slay your giants!

Much love,


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