January 21, 2021
Due to the escalation in COVID cases, we were unable to meet in person at this event. BUT GOD gave us the command to push through and still have the event. We had our first premiere night on YouTube. The Kollao team, worship, and speakers all worked very hard to prerecord this event so we could still complete the mission just in a different format. Our originally scheduled speaker could not speak because they got COVID. BUT, GOD is always able and he surely equipped the Kollao team to pull this off. Let's just say this was a challenge to put together and to figure out the how-to but as usual, GOD IS ABLE. Speakers: Tammy Valdivia & Rebecca Smith from Found Faithful Worship: Lexie Ryder and Cooper Patrick.
January 16, 2020
September 17, 2020
This event was our first ever LIVE event. Due to the COVID pandemic, we were unable to meet and gather like we normally do. But the Lord still told us we had to continue and push on that He had given a word through our speaker Stephanie Kail and provided us with some awesome talent to lead our worship; Ashley and Matthew and we hosted our first LIVE virtual event. Boy was it a learning curve, stressful and scary but the Lord as always showed up, guided, and showed out and it was a success for a bunch of women who didn't know what they were doing. If you missed it, you can watch it now.

September 5, 2019
The Lord sent us another blessing and this time we had a total of 77 beautiful women come and hear Rachel Menard speak from A Heart Refined. Rachel shares a message of God's call and asked us to be filled with the oil of the spirit. We were lead in some beautiful uplifting worship by Becky and Bobby Stokely. You can hear the entire worship and message at the link below on Rachel's podcast. Click listen now.
We were so blessed by the Lord for having such a great turn out for our very first event. We had 50 women come and hear the very gifted Tammy Valdivia from By Faith She speak and challenge us to "lay down our Issac's" before the altar of the Lord an no longer let anything hold us back from completing Gods plan for our lives. What a powerful message the Lord gave her. We had some amazing worship as well from Zion's very own Stephen Sorrell (guitar) and Allison Wright. What a blessing it is to hear the beautiful voices of women singing praises to the Lord. I think we all had glory-pimples! Our prayer is everyone left that night a little closer to the Lord than when they arrived.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom... Colossians 3:16 ESV
"...singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16 ESV


January 2021
September 2020
January 2020
September 2019

SEPTEMBER 20, 2021
Due to the escalation in COVID cases, we were unable to meet in person at this event. BUT GOD gave us the command to push through and still have the event. We had our first premiere night on YouTube. The Kollao team, worship, and speakers all worked very hard to prerecord this event so we could still complete the mission just in a different format. Our originally scheduled speaker could not speak because they got COVID. BUT, GOD is always able and he surely equipped the Kollao team to pull this off. Let's just say this was a challenge to put together and to figure out the how-to but as usual, GOD IS ABLE. Speakers: Tammy Valdivia & Rebecca Smith from Found Faithful Worship: Lexie Ryder and Cooper Patrick.
How did we do? Do you have an idea for Kollao you'd like to share?